Coloring Easter Eggs: Healthy options instead of unhealthy commercial dyes
To create PINK, use red beets, raspberries or blackberries.
To create RED, use red beets or red onion skins.
To create PURPLE, use red onion skins, or purple grape juice.
To create YELLOW, use yellow onion skins, turmeric or cumin. To create YELLOW-GREEN, use yellow or green apple peels.
To create ORANGE, use yellow onion skins or chili powder.
To create BLUE, use red cabbage.
To create GREEN, use spinach.

To prepare the “dye” combine 4 tablespoons of spice or four cups of chopped/mashed fruits and vegetables with four cups of water (a little less for the spinach) and 2 tablespoons of white vinegar. Bring the mixture to a boil and reduce heat to a simmer for about 30 minutes. Strain the fruits and veggies and you have a healthy natural Easter egg dye. Use the grape juice as is.
Place the egg into the dye for about 5 minutes. Leave it longer if you what to achieve a darker color.